

Teej 2018 Shubh Muhurat and Worship Method


Teej 2018 Shubh Muhurat and Worship Method

Teej 2018 Shubh Muhurat and Worship Method In Hinduism, Teej celebration is of specific significance. This celebration is praised in the memory of the gathering of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati. Suhagin ladies on fasting day quick on fasting for their significant other's long life. Indeed, even unmarried young ladies keep this quick for the spouse's recuperation. It is trusted that by keeping the fasting of Teej, the wedded existence of the wedded ladies is long, while unmarried young ladies get the coveted life accomplice.

An aggregate of four firings are praised consistently, in which greenery teej has extraordinary centrality. This celebration is commended for the most part in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Hariyali Teej, which falls on the third piece of Shravan month, will be praised on August 13 this year. It is likewise called Shravani Teej. Teej 2018 Shubh Muhurat and Worship Method

What favorable muhurat 

The favorable time for green tea will begin on August 13 at 8:38 and on fourteenth August it will be 5:46 early in the day.

Indian Most Beautiful Festivals

Green tea

Hariyali Teej is worshiped at night. Whenever day and night meet, at that point that time is called Pradosha Kaal. Right now wear clean garments and love it subsequent to being sacred.

- Now make a statue of Lord Shiva, Mata Parvati and Lord Ganesha. As indicated by custom, these models ought to be made of gold however you can make these figures from dark soil with your hands. Teej 2018 Shubh Muhurat and Worship Method

- Offer sweet cosmetics to mother Parvati.

- Now give a blessing to Lord Shiva.

- You can give sweet garments and attire to a Brahmin.

- After that hear or read the tale of Hariali Teej with full commitment or read.

- After perusing the story, do aarti of Lord Ganesha. After this, do aarti of Lord Shiva and afterward Mother Parvati.

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- Revolve the icons of the three gods and ask with entire heart.

- Have finish musings in your mind throughout the night and love God. Awaken throughout the night

- toward the beginning of the day, love Lord Shiva, Mata Parvati and Lord Ganesha early in the day and offer vermilion to Mata Parvati.

- God favor the cucumbers, molars and masupua, and open your quick.
Teej 2018 Shubh Muhurat and Worship Method Teej 2018 Shubh Muhurat and Worship Method Reviewed by maxlinkinfo on August 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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